Hey kids,

This was a fun one to do. Cheetah’s are unable to retract their claws. The idea is to get more traction for running. You know, that whole evolution thingy. Had a ball drawing Jake in that goofy pose though. Hope ya kids dig this one.

Now, I have some bad news. I’ve decided this will be the last strip for the YEAR. I want this comic to shine and I feel the drawing is holding it back. Had a great friend point this out to me and decided, I need to get better. You can blame that person, won’t give their names but blame them. So, like every kung fu film. I will go off into the wilderness and train. To return to free the land.

All joking a side, this hurts like hell. I find such enjoyment in telling this tale. Feels weird to say I’m putting them a side for this long. However, I got something crazy things coming up in story I want to share with you guys. For that, I need to get better. I will post updates in the blog on who things are going every Wednesday.

Thanks again and I hope you’ll join me in 2017. I don’t know about you guys but I want to finish this story. Got other ones to tell with this cast. Also, I will be back. This story is a part of me, no matter how crazy that sounds. This is me on a page. Thanks again and enjoy.
