Yep, if you can finish that line then you are a fan of THUNDERCATS!

When I was a kid, we didn’t have cable. The family couldn’t afford it and truth be told you don’t miss it much as a kid save for one thing. Cartoon Network, Old Cartoon Network. It was the greatest channel for a kid, old cartoons and new meet. Twenty four hours of cartoons, what’s not to love?! Every time we went to my grandparents house, I got to see some of my favorite cartoons. One being Thundercats.

It’s a cheesy show and had a lot that didn’t work, however the villains where the best part. It was fantasy with scifi. The problem I always had was… how do you make it better? I saw comics and fan stuff which was fine, but never was better then the original and the original had problems. So why couldn’t someone make something better then the first?

A couple of years ago I heard rumors of them remaking it. I was worried, since one version had a kid with the sword of omen that would turn into LionO… Ohh come on?! That is lame and why would anyone like it? I mean I don’t even see younger kids liking it. So if you don’t wanna keep old school fans happy less make new ones. A year went by then I heard, it’s true Cartoon network is putting out a new version of Thundercats… I wasn’t excited and brace myself for the worst. I then saw this.

Now I’ve watch all the new ones so far. It is a great show to the point, I feel like a kid again. Watching these at my grandparents house (which they no longer own.) So for thirty minutes or so, I get to sit back and enjoy no worries. I hope more support this show. I’m enjoy it and want it to go on for a long long time.

On a side note, thank goodness to everything right we didn’t get this.