Hey Ya’ll

Well after some months of saving (and a birthday money from the parents). I got my cinitq. It’s a 12 WX, for my needs right now it’s the perfect size. I have loved it since I started to draw my first comic with it! I’ve been wanting one for a while and decided to start slowly save, little each month. It took some time for it to grow but well now it’s paid off.

Let’s back it up first, let me explain why I got one and what I wanna do with it. Back in college I was against anything digital except coloring. That was back when people where doing digital inks without making it look like ink. Playing with levels of dirty pencils then coloring it or doing all photoshop and just throwing too many tricks at it. Nothing could breath and just looked…fake. So I was under the traditional school, paper, pencil, ink! I would letter on the computer, more out of the fake I suck at this english language. So I was happy and content, but slow.

Well later when I moved to Atlanta I heard of sketch up. It’s a fun program and helped me lay out my pages. I could do “backgrounds” (they weren’t great.) and keep in em perspective. That last a while, while doing this and still traditional stuff. I became a big Skottie Young fan. I slowly discover in my quest to learn more about him, he does all his pencils with the cintiq…  We had them in school but I mean it doesn’t look like it. His pages has life and emotion. A style and book I love (OZ) done with this system I saw as evil? I started to do my layouts more and more digital.

I forget when but with Scotty I started to do basic shapes using sketchbook pro. I like the apps on the phone and ipad so why not try the free one on the mac? I feel in love with this program, the marker tool was how I started them. I got a large scale printer and started to print out my pages. I now knew how large balloons had to be to easily read, life was great and simple.

At this time too, Mark Brooks got a cintiq and started to post more and more videos of his digital work. It looked amazing and he said it speed him up. Something I wanna do, be able to pump more work out. I love watching videos of his work. I saw something I wanted. So I started to save up, while at this time Tyson’s Boxer Hockey kept amazing me. All these great works and artist, I had to get one.

So that’s the tale. I am glad I got one with my new job and all. I am doing a lot better pencils and faster. Also, inks are much faster. I have a nice simple clean piece of paper to ink with. I’m having more fun with the inks and they look better and faster!  I took a lot from Skottie Young! I’m hoping to keep doing great work and pumping it out fast. Got a lot of ideas in the old head. Thanks again and hope you dig it, the last strip was the first done all digital pencils.

First most all digital pencils


Step 1, perspective lines and basic shapes

Going in and add light detail.


Adding in final detail


What gets printed out



Tuesday's page, sneak peak and to see still doing this process.