I feel like this a statement of what Spy movies use to be and what they are now. It use to be a man you trusted to go behind enemy lines to get the info and save the day. Armed with some gadgets that only could work on paper. Now a days, it’s someone micro managing said person from a room full of computers. Safe and not really knowing all the details.  Maybe this a metaphor for the world we live in now, I don’t know.

It is amazing how in movies, everyone is always in contact and signals come in clear as a bell. I know a stretch of road in Nebraska that it’s impossible to hear from people. Why must we always have someone in the hero’s ears telling them how to do it? They are trained professional and you are trusting them to do the job. Also, can’t villains pick up some radio chatter? Well, writer can’t they? I guess not.

That’s the beauty of being your own writer.  You can look at these things that bug me and poke fun at it. A lot of fun writing these with King. I’m really enjoying him and hope you are too.